6 good habits

Teach your children thes 6 good daily habits.

Childhood is the best time to teach good habits.  Herewith we show you six that you can teach and practice every day with your kid.

Hand wash

Well clean hands help to keep you healthy.  Teach them to wash their hands before and after eating or going to the bathroom, also after playing with pets or toys or when coming from the street.

Mouth hygiene

Adequate teeth and tongue brushing is another habit to be learned when young, good habits remain for the rest of your life.

Good eating

Give your children healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables every day, also explain to them the importance of eating these foods.

Tidy up

After playing, toys must be put aside and everything to its place.  It is a boring activity and nobody likes it, but you can motivate them and make it fun, for example, time each activity and try to overcome their time every time.


Education in ecology starts at an early age. First they must learn to separate the trash and put it in the respective container, and further learn about recycling.

Physical activity

Besides the sport classes they get at school, children must have daily physical activity.  The ideal is to practice a sport, but if that is not possible at least they should play physically at home, dance, run, move from one place to the other.  Habits are acquired during the first 5 or 6 years, and will be determinant for the rest of their lives.