Risks for the little ones

When children start discovering the world, nobody can stop them, but within their path they can find things which are a risk for their health and life.

At this age, so many things could go wrong, so the more attention you pay, the more you will avoid the risk that your child suffers an accident, even fatal. These are some of the dangerous elements to take care from.

Main risk objects

Keep out of their reach: knives, plastic bags, matches, lighters, balloons, tacks, screws, coins, scissors and batteries.

Dangerous foods

There are foods that should not be given to the little ones since they are a potential risk for suffocation: grapes, popcorn, candy and nuts.


We all feel fascinated by these objects and through our minds there is always the thought of putting a finger in, adults do know the risk but children don’t.

Furniture corners

Many furniture have pointed corners, sometimes we hit ourselves with them, and in the case of children that could be worse.

Jagged edges

Foil and plastic paper boxes have jagged edges and can cut the skin.

Talcum Powder

Can be dangerous if inhaled.

Curtains or shade strings

These objects are a source of strangulation, most of them include safety instructions, but if they do not, tie a knot in a height that children cannot reach, or it could even be necessary to move them away.  

Table cloth

These can be pulled by a child, causing objects on the table to fall on him.


Table lamps can fall on a child when pulled by the cable.

Pillows or stuffed toys

In a crib they can be a source of suffocation.

Door stops

Made with rubber that children can take out and swallow.

Reclining chairs and reposet

A child can be seriously injured if one hand is placed under these pieces of furniture.


Check toys on a regular basis and move away those with loose or small pieces which can cause suffocation.


Every power outlet should have children’s protectors.